دكتوراة رياضيات – جامعة العلوم الماليزية ماليزيا
ماجستير رياضيات – جامعة ال البيت الاردن
بكالوريوس رياضيات جامعة اليرموك الاردن
الاهتمامات البحثية
النمذجة الرياضية في مجالات البيئة والمياة والطاقة
منشورات مختارة
S Bushnaq, A Ullah, H Alrabaiah
Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics 11, 100847, 2024
I Ahmad, KJ Ansari, H Alrabaiah, D Santina, N Mlaiki
Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics 11, 100823, 2024
- Dufour and Soret diffusions phenomena for the chemically reactive MHD viscous fluid flow across a stretching sheet with variable properties
SA Lone, A Khan, H Alrabaiah, S Shahab, Z Raizah, I Ali
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 107, 109352, 2024
H Alrabaiah, S Iftikhar, A Saeed, M Bilal, SM Eldin, AM Galal
South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 45, 172-181, 2023
H Alrabaiah, RU Din, KJ Ansari, B Ozdemir
Results in Physics 49, 106536, 2023
A Ali, KJ Ansari, H Alrabaiah, A Aloqaily, N Mlaiki
Fractal and Fractional 7 (6), 436, 2023
المواد التدريسية
- تفاضل وتكامل
- التحليل العددي
- مقدمة في الاحتمالات والاحصاء
أهداف التنمية المستدامة المرتبطة بالخبرات
في عام 2015 اتفقت الدول الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة على 17 هدفًا للتنمية المستدامة لإنهاء الفقر، وحماية الكوكب، وضمان الرفاه للجميع.
تساهم خبرة هذه الشخصية في أهداف التنمية المستدامة التالية:
On computation of solution for (2+1) dimensional fractional order general wave equation
أكتوبر 03, 2024
Study of 1+1 dimensional fractional order non-linear Benney equation using an analytical technique
سبتمبر 18, 2024
A numerical investigation of the chemically reactive maxwell nanofluid flow over a convectively heated rotating disk using Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium
أغسطس 14, 2024
Dufour and Soret diffusions phenomena for the chemically reactive MHD viscous fluid flow across a stretching sheet with variable properties
أغسطس 13, 2024
COVID-19 Spread Modeling Incorporating Suggestive Optimal Control Strategies under Uncertainty
نوفمبر 22, 2023
Viscous dissipated hybrid nanoliquid flow with Darcy–Forchheimer and forced convection over a moving thin needle
سبتمبر 15, 2020
Series solutions for nonlinear time-fractional Schrödinger equations: Comparisons between conformable and Caputo derivatives
سبتمبر 02, 2020
Existence of fractional order semianalytical results for enzyme kinetics model
أغسطس 11, 2020
Fractional dynamical analysis of measles spread model under vaccination corresponding to nonsingular fractional order derivative
مايو 14, 2020
Oscillation criteria for forced and damped nabla fractional difference equations
يونيو 20, 2018
Based on the properties of Riemann–Liouville difference and sum operators, sufficient conditions are established to guarantee the oscillation of solutions for forced and damped nabla fractional difference equations. Numerical examples are presented to show the applicability of the proposed results. We finish the paper by a concluding remark.
Theories and analyses thick hyperbolic paraboloidal composite shells
مايو 13, 2015
This paper presents the stress resultants of hyperbolic paraboloidal shells using higher order shear deformation theory recently developed by Zannon [1]-[3]. The equilibrium equations of motion use Hamilton’s minimum energy principle for a simply supported cross-ply structure by Zannon (TSDTZ)[2][3]. The results are calculated for orthotropic, two-ply unsymmetrical [90/0] shells. The extensional, bending and coupling stiffness parameters are calculated using MATLAB algorithm for laminated composite hyperbolic paraboloidal shells. A comparison of the present study with other researchers in the literature is given, and is in good agreement.
Fractional-calculus diffusion equation
ديسمبر 17, 2010
Sequel to the work on the quantization of nonconservative systems using fractional calculus and quantization of a system with Brownian motion, which aims to consider the dissipation effects in quantum-mechanical description of microscale systems. The canonical quantization of a system represented classically by one-dimensional Fick's law, and the diffusion equation is carried out according to the Dirac method. A suitable Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian, describing the diffusive system, are constructed and the Hamiltonian is transformed to Schrodinger's equation which is solved. An application regarding implementation of the developed mathematical method to the analysis of diffusion, osmosis, which is a biological application of the diffusion process, is carried out. Schrödinger's equation is solved. The plot of the probability function represents clearly the dissipative and drift forces and hence the osmosis, which agrees totally with the macro-scale view, or the classical-version osmosis.
Modeling fish community dynamics in the Florida Everglades: role of temperature variation
نوفمبر 01, 2002