AAU Students Win Third Place in "Innovator 2014"

Students from the College of Engineering and Information Technology at Al Ain University ranked third among 150 innovation projects showcased at the Innovator 2014. The winning project is for remotely controlling vehicles via SMS and was voted to win by audience and participants.
Innovator 2014 was organized by Abu Dhabi Technology Development Committee at First Gulf Bank Arena in Abu Dhabi. “Do it yourself” innovators participated from all over the UAE with their innovative, creative, and unique ideas presented to the community to test. More than 150 projects were showcased in this event in various fields including aviation, robotics, vehicles, architecture, and arts.
The objective of the winning innovation, created by two students from the College of Engineering and Information Technology, is to immediately inform the vehicle’s owner about any unauthorized entry via an SMS alert. The owner can ‘reply’ to the vehicle to ‘stop the engine’, at which point, the vehicle will shut down – lock all windows and doors – and trap the thief. If in motion, upon receipt of the owner’s command, the vehicle would slow down and display a screen alert indicating ‘engine will stop in 5 minutes’. The vehicle would also be easy to locate by means of an integrated GPS.
On his part, Dr. Nazih Mallat, Head of the Computer Engineering and Networks and Communications Department at AAU, reiterated that for AAU students to come third in scientific competitions like Innovator 2014 where more than 150 participants took place is a great accomplishment that proved the AAU students’ abilities and capabilities which are based on sound, solid foundations of knowledge. Such accomplishments are the power that drives the College of Engineering forward and will keep pushing it to achieve a prominent place in integrating scientific research within the stages of university education.