Engineering students achieve third place in the Arab Student Creativity Forum
The College of Engineering secured third place in the 24th Arab Student Creativity Forum competition held at Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman. The event was hosted under the patronage of Her Excellency Dr. Rahma bint Ibrahim Al Mahrooqi, Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation in the Sultanate, and organized by the Arab Council for Student Training and Creativity, a subsidiary of the Arab Universities Union. The forum, titled "The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Economic Development," brought together universities from across the Arab world.
Al Ain University participated with a research project in the Modern Trends and Information Technology category titled "Volunteer Management Systems for Unified Unit Chains," prepared by students Mawadda Muzamil and Safaa Nasser from the College of Engineering, under the supervision of Dr. Essam Al-Azzouni from the College of Engineering (Al Ain campus).
Their research was selected from a pool of over 125 submissions, with 36 accepted across four categories: Scientific Creativity and Innovation, Scientific Research in the Humanities, Modern Trends in Information Technology, and Literary and Artistic Creativity.
In addition to the winning research, the university also contributed a study in the Scientific Research in the Humanities category titled "The Relationship between School Adaptation and Academic Achievement in a Sample of Adolescents," prepared by student Hind Mahdi Ahmed Al Harbi, under the supervision of Dr. Samer Abdel-Hadi from the College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences (Abu Dhabi campus).
Prof. Ghaleb Al-Refae, the university president, welcomed the participating teams and supervising professors in the presence of Prof. Ibtehal Abu Rezeq, the Vice President for Development and Follow-up, and the Dean of Student Affairs. He congratulated them on their success, encouraging them to exert more effort to achieve greater accomplishments in scientific research, emphasizing the importance of university students acquiring research skills and conducting scientific studies.
Prof. Abu Rezeq also affirmed Al Ain University's commitment to encouraging students to participate in scientific competitions and strive for top positions.