A Scientific symposium discussing the digital developments

The College of Engineering in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, organized a virtual seminar on the occasion of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, in the presence of Prof. Ghaleb El Refae, AAU President, number of academic and administrative staffs, and AAU students.
The seminar was presented by Dr. Mohammad Al Hatab from the College of Engineering, in participation with; Ms. Hanadi Ayoub, Vice President. DU (the Dubai Leading Telecom Operator), who gave a lecture entitled; “Digitize or die”. And, Ms. Nareeman Jibreel, Data and Telecommunications Engineer, talked about the “Wireless Networks Evolution”. And, Dr. Ubaid Ullah, College of Engineering-Al Ain University, who talked about “The evolution of telecommunication: Past, Present, and Future”.
Prof. Ghaleb El Refae, stressed on the importance of this event which discuss a significant topic especially in light of the developments witnessed by the telecommunications sector, the information society, and the digital life.