The College of Engineering enhances knowledge about scientific research tools

The College of Engineering in collaboration with the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies has organized a virtual workshop entitled SciVal: The Analytical Tool by Scopus. The workshop was moderated by Dr. Moayad Aloqaily, Director of Cybersecurity Program, and presented by Mr. Wael Mansour, Regional Customer Consultant, Elsevier Research Intelligence.
Mr. Mansour started the workshop by giving an introduction to SciVal as the most popular analytical indexing tool by Scopus. SciVal is an abbreviation for Science Evaluation. It consists of four modules plus a tool for reporting and it serves mainly for academic purposes and slightly other sectors.
The workshop focused on SciVal and its four modules: Overview, Benchmark, Collaboration, and Trends where Mr. Mansour provided examples on different analysis for Al Ain University and compared it with other institutions in the UAE and the region.
Starting with the Overview, this module shows the overall research performance, subject of area, research topic of an entity (university, group of researchers, country, etc.), and whether the chosen entity is growing. He mentioned an important item in the overview module, which is Field-weighted citation impact. This citation impact can be used to compare between different entities and the normalized matrix, which takes into consideration the differences in subjects, types, and year of publications.
Benchmarking is the second module where entities are compared up to 100 universities to show in the graph where you can enter flexible dates. This module helps the institution to know its position among the other institutions and to improve its research activity.
The third module is Collaboration where it helps to evaluate whether the current collaboration is successful or not according to the matrix used in SciVal. Besides, it looks into a potential future collaboration that helps to improve the research output.
The final module is Trends which is considered slightly different from the other modules. Trends does not deal with the entities; however, it is related to the research area. It is about giving you trends and rising stars in a certain area, for example, top researchers worldwide in the Artificial Intelligent area. Moreover, it helps identify the growing terminology under the Keyphrase Analysis section, and it shows the active institutions and universities, authors, and Scopus sources.
At the end, Mr. Mansour showed the Reporting tool, which consists two sections: Analyses & reports of a chosen entity, and Report templates to have a review report on an institution. He concluded the workshop by having a Q&A session where many faculty interacted and showed interest.